Wherever I stay, wherever I go

Because of my faith in Jesus, I find great fulfillment when my daily life brings glory to God. When I was a nurse at Arkansas Children’s hospital, I thrived on a day of work when, by the grace of God, I was able to move beyond my selfish desires in order to show the light and love of Jesus to my patients, their families, and my co-workers. I would arrive home energized and made stronger by my God-given purpose.

Looking back on those years of my life there were also times when I found myself looking to the future when I should have been focusing on the present. There were seasons of life that were so caught up in imagining a more fulfilling future nursing career (where I could “serve God better”) that I neglected to fully love those I was there to serve at that moment.

Now, as a foreign missionary, I find myself looking back at my career as a nurse and regretting those lost opportunities to show light and love to those around me at the hospital. At times, I even feel like I could “serve God better” as a nurse at ACH than I can here in Angola. I can see once again that I only thrive and find fulfilment when I am able to move beyond my selfish desires in order to bring glory to God.

So, as I sit in the passenger seat of our pick-up on the roads of Angola with my laptop typing and reflecting, God reveals truth to me through his word. Whether I stay as Timothy did or I follow a call to another place like Paul (1 Timothy 1:3), I have a daily responsibility to advance God’s work by faith (1 Timothy 1:4). By faith I must allow God to overcome my weaknesses so that my daily life brings Glory to God wherever I stay and wherever I go.

Teague Meyer

One thought on “Wherever I stay, wherever I go

  1. Great thoughts, Teague. We are called to live and love each day as fully as we can – obedience to the Lord and putting ourselves aside brings great joy!


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